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Good mental health management is key to navigating the joys and challenges of parenthood well.

Proper mental health management is an important step towards improved well-being and family life

Balance is necessary

Parenting in the modern world, while rewarding, can also lead to mental health issues if the stress of work and parenting is not managed properly.

Multiple roles to play

Between work, household duties and childcare, parents often have to juggle many responsibilities that can increase stress levels and potentially lead to mental health problems.

Generational mental health

Mental health issues can not only impact a parent’s well-being but their parenting abilities and child’s mental health.

Parenting while working

Most parents need to work to adapt to rising living costs, adding another layer of complexity to parenting.

Understanding common


Balancing responsibilities
Juggling multiple responsibilities across work and childcare can be challenging, stressful and overwhelming in a fast-paced world.

Constant worries
Parents’ concerns about their children’s physical, emotional and mental well-being, including their health, education, social life and future, can be anxiety-inducing.

Financial pressure and stress
The cost of raising children, including education, healthcare, food and other necessities, can become a constant source of stress and worry.

Lack of time for self-care
Burnout is common for parents that prioritise their own needs, self-care and mental health last.

Significant relational changes
Having children can cause additional stress when couples have less time for each other and must juggle different roles, responsibilities and parenting styles.

Feeling inadequate
Struggling with feelings of inadequacy based on societal pressures, comparisons with other parents or high personal expectations may be very distressing.


Depression is a mental health disorder that extends beyond typical mood swings and can significantly impact daily functioning. Parents may experience this due to the accumulated pressures and demands of parenting while mothers, in particular, may experience postpartum depression after giving birth.


  • Persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed
  • Difficulties in carrying out daily tasks
Anxiety Disorders

Unlike ordinary nervousness, anxiety disorders can become overwhelming and interfere with daily activities, relationships and overall well-being. Parents, especially those caring for their children and ageing parents simultaneously, can experience significant worries.


  • Excessive, persistent worry
  • Restlessness or feeling on edge
  • Rapid heart rate or palpitations
Burnout and stress

Chronic physical and emotional exhaustion can arise from the constant demands of parenting, work and personal commitments. This is especially common for parents juggling multiple roles between work and home.


  • Feeling unappreciated or undervalued
  • Reduced sense of accomplishment or satisfaction
  • Experiencing a sense of dread about tasks or responsibilities
Adjustment Disorders

These are stress-related conditions that can develop after experiencing a significant life event, such as becoming a parent. Adjusting to parenting can be challenging, especially when coupled with additional pressures from work or caring for an ageing parent.


  • Excessive worry or anxiety about the change or event
  • Feeling overwhelmed or hopeless in response to the stressor
  • Difficulties concentrating or carrying out daily tasks
  • Changes in sleep patterns or appetite

How we can help

We are committed to supporting your mental health journey with high-quality, personalised mental health care—no matter your age or experiences.

Personalised treatment

We believe that effective treatment must be tailored to the individual. Our team works closely with each client to develop a personalised treatment plan that addresses their unique needs and goals. This could include a combination of psychotherapy, medication management and lifestyle changes.

Proper assessment and diagnosis

We are skilled in conducting comprehensive assessments to accurately diagnose a wide range of mental health conditions, and are committed to providing care based on your specific needs.

Psychological treatment

We work closely with psychologists who are experienced in providing evidence-based psychological treatments, such as cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) and other therapeutic approaches. These treatments can help individuals understand and manage their thoughts, behaviours and emotions to improve their mental health and overall well-being.

Medication management

When necessary, medication can be an effective part of a comprehensive treatment plan. Our psychiatrists are experienced in prescribing and managing medications for a variety of mental health conditions. We closely monitor our clients to ensure the effectiveness of the medication and to manage any potential side effects.

Collaborative care

With your consent, we can work closely with other providers, schools, employers and HR departments to ensure a comprehensive and collaborative approach to your mental health care. This allows us to provide the most effective treatment and support, tailored to your unique circumstances and needs. We respect your privacy and confidentiality, and any collaboration with other parties will always be done with your knowledge and consent.

Shaping a healthier future

Maintaining good mental health as a parent often involves self-care—taking time to exercise, eat healthily, sleep well, and relax. Building a support network of friends, family, and other parents can also be beneficial for emotional and practical needs. However, this should never replace professional help, especially if symptoms of mental health disorders are present.

Balancing work, family and personal life is crucial and can be achieved by setting healthy boundaries and maintaining open communication. It is important to recognise that your role as a parent will also change as your child grows and transitions through different life stages, and it is okay to adapt and seek help during these periods if needed.

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Reach out towards recovery

Community support and resources

Mental health issues are more common than we think—there is nothing to be ashamed of. There are always resources available including support groups, counselling services and mental health professionals. Seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness.


We respect your privacy—any discussions you have with us are kept strictly confidential.

Holistic well-being

Your mental health matters just as much as your physical health. Taking care of your mind is essential not only for your overall well-being, but your family’s.

Frequently asked questions

I often feel overwhelmed with my parenting responsibilities and it is affecting my mood and energy levels. What should I do?

It is normal to feel overwhelmed by parenting responsibilities but if it is affecting your mood and energy levels persistently, it might be a sign of a mental health condition. It is important to seek further help from a mental health professional who can provide guidance and treatment options. Also, try to incorporate self-care activities like exercise, adequate sleep and relaxation into your routine.

I find myself lashing out at my children and spouse due to stress. Is this normal?

While stress can cause people to act out of character, frequent outbursts of anger can be harmful to you and your family’s well-being. Healthy stress management is important, such as through relaxation techniques, exercise or talking about your feelings with a trusted friend or professional. If you still find it difficult to control your anger, it may be helpful to seek support from a mental health professional.

I am a new mother and I am feeling very anxious about my baby’s health and safety. Is this normal?

It is completely normal for new mothers to feel anxious about their baby’s health and safety. However, if your anxiety becomes constant, overwhelming or is affecting your ability to care for your baby or enjoy daily life, it may be a sign of an anxiety disorder such as postpartum anxiety. In such cases, it is important to reach out to a healthcare provider who can provide reassurance about your baby’s health, offer strategies to manage your anxiety or refer you to a mental health professional if necessary. Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength and the best thing you can do for both you and your baby.

I have been feeling isolated and lonely since becoming a parent. What can I do?

Parenthood can sometimes lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. Reach out to others during this time, whether it is your partner, family, friends or other new parents. Joining a parent group can also be a great way to connect with others experiencing similar situations. If your feelings persist, do also consider seeking help from a mental health professional.

I am struggling to balance my work responsibilities with my parenting duties. How can I manage this?

Balancing work and parenting duties can be challenging. It can be helpful to set boundaries around your work time and to delegate tasks where possible. Consider discussing flexible work arrangements with your employer. Remember, it is important to take breaks and to take care of your own well-being. If you are finding it hard to manage, consider seeking support from a professional, such as a counsellor or psychologist.

I am a new father. Ever since my child arrived, I feel less important to my wife. Is this normal?

It is quite common for new fathers to feel this way after the arrival of a child. The shift in focus to the newborn can sometimes make partners feel less of a priority. It is important to discuss your feelings with your wife and work together to ensure both of your emotional needs are being met. Remember, taking care of your mental health is not only crucial for your well-being but also for your capacity to be present for and supportive of your family. If these feelings persist, consider seeking help from a mental health professional. You are not alone in this, and seeking help is a sign of strength.