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Young adults

Young adults often encounter significant mental health challenges mirroring the intensity of the transitions and changes they might experience.

Young adulthood is a pivotal point in the development of mental health conditions

Critical time for mental health

Most mental conditions begin before the age of 24, making mental health care especially crucial in young adulthood.

Strong environmental pressures

Stressful events like beginning university, entering military service or the workforce, or establishing new relationships can trigger the emergence of mental health conditions if young adults struggle to adapt effectively.

Often left untreated

Despite the prevalence of mental health issues among this group, young adults often do not seek the help they need for a variety of reasons, including stigma, lack of awareness or difficulties accessing mental health services.

Carving a better future

Early intervention and treatment can improve the outcome of most mental health conditions and help young adults adjust to future changes.

Understanding common


Career pressure
Establishing a career for the first time and experiencing job instability can amplify feelings of worry.

Financial stress
Rising cost of living, loan repayments and financial management can cause anxiety.

Relationship issues
Having and maintaining relationships may pose emotional challenges.

Identity and self-image concerns
Managing self-esteem and discovering new identities are common struggles.

Substance use
Exposure to alcohol and drugs can lead to substance use disorders.

Taking on more independence and responsibilities can cause stress.


Depression is a serious mental health condition characterised by persistent feelings of sadness, loss of interest in activities and difficulties in carrying out daily tasks. It can significantly impact a person’s emotions, physical health and overall ability to function in everyday life.


  • Persistent feelings of sadness
  • Loss of interest in activities
  • Difficulties functioning daily
Anxiety Disorders

Unlike typical nervousness or stress, anxiety disorders cause people to respond to everyday experiences with intense and excessive worry and fear. These feelings are persistent, often uncontrollable, and can be overwhelming to the point where they interfere with daily activities, relationships and overall well-being.


  • Excessive worry or fear
  • Restlessness
  • Rapid heart rate
Bipolar Disorders

Bipolar disorder is a psychological condition characterised by significant fluctuations in mood, encompassing elevated emotional states (mania or hypomania) and periods of lowered mood (depression).


  • Decreased need for sleep
  • Engaging in risky behaviours with potentially negative consequences
  • Euphoric mood

COMMON SYMPTOMS of depression

  • Persistent sadness or hopelessness
  • Feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt
  • Losing interest/pleasure in most activities
Adjustment Disorders

Stress-related conditions that can emerge when an individual is struggling to cope with a significant life change or stressful event. These could include events like a major life transition (such as moving to a new place or starting a new job), a traumatic event or a significant loss (like a death or divorce).


  • Excessive worry
  • Feeling overwhelmed or hopeless
  • Difficulties concentrating
  • Changes in sleep or appetite

A mental health condition that changes the way people think, feel and behave significantly. It may cause one to hallucinate—to see or hear things that are not there—or have delusions—to believe things that are not true. People with schizophrenia may seem like they have lost touch with reality, which can be distressing for them and those around them.


  • Hallucinations (perceiving things that are not there, such as hearing voices or seeing things)
  • Delusions (false beliefs that the person holds, even when presented with evidence to the contrary)

How we can help

We are committed to supporting your mental health journey with high-quality, personalised mental health care—no matter your age or experiences.

Personalised treatment

We believe that effective treatment must be tailored to the individual. Our team works closely with each client to develop a personalised treatment plan that addresses their unique needs and goals. This could include a combination of psychotherapy, medication management and lifestyle changes.

Proper assessment and diagnosis

We are skilled in conducting comprehensive assessments to accurately diagnose a wide range of mental health conditions, and are committed to providing care based on your specific needs.

Psychological treatment

We work closely with psychologists who are experienced in providing evidence-based psychological treatments, such as cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) and other therapeutic approaches. These treatments can help individuals understand and manage their thoughts, behaviours and emotions to improve their mental health and overall well-being.

Medication management

When necessary, medication can be an effective part of a comprehensive treatment plan. Our psychiatrists are experienced in prescribing and managing medications for a variety of mental health conditions. We closely monitor our clients to ensure the effectiveness of the medication and to manage any potential side effects.

Collaborative care

With your consent, we can work closely with other providers, schools, employers and HR departments to ensure a comprehensive and collaborative approach to your mental health care. This allows us to provide the most effective treatment and support, tailored to your unique circumstances and needs. We respect your privacy and confidentiality, and any collaboration with other parties will always be done with your knowledge and consent.

Shaping a healthier future

Maintain regular mental health check-ins, stress management and a healthy lifestyle—don’t hesitate to seek professional help when needed.

Medication, psychological therapy or a combination of the two could also make symptoms and the unique challenges of young adulthood more manageable.

hand background

Reach out towards recovery

Readily available help

There are numerous resources catered specifically for young adults, including counselling services at colleges and universities, and employee assistance programs (EAP) at many workplaces.


We respect your privacy—any discussions you have with us are kept strictly confidential.

Holistic wellbeing

Your mental health matters just as much as your physical health. Taking care of your mind is a crucial part of your overall wellbeing.

Frequently asked questions

I am a young adult and worried I may be experiencing symptoms. Are mental health issues common for people my age?

You are not alone—many mental health conditions actually first appear during young adulthood. It is a time of great change and completely alright to seek help if you are feeling overwhelmed.

I have been feeling stressed out lately. How can I manage this?

Experiencing stress is common in young adulthood, especially during times of transition and change. There are several strategies you can use to manage stress. Regular exercise, getting enough sleep and maintaining a healthy diet can significantly help in managing stress levels. Mindfulness practices, such as meditation or yoga, can also be beneficial. However, if you find that your stress levels are overwhelming or persisting for extended periods, it is important to reach out for professional help.

Do I need to take medication for my mental health issues?

Medication can be a useful tool for managing symptoms, but it is not the only option. It is important to discuss your treatment plan with a healthcare professional who can guide you based on your specific needs. Remember that it is more than okay to seek help and explore different treatment options.

How can therapy help me?

Considering therapy is a courageous move towards significant change. Therapy can be immensely beneficial as it provides a safe and confidential environment for you to express your feelings and thoughts. It can help you understand and manage your emotions better, learn effective strategies to cope with stress and improve your overall mental well-being. Remember, it is not a sign of weakness to seek help, but a step towards empowerment and better mental health.